
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Titanic news paper

Unsinkable Titanic sinks!!!!!!!
15th April 1912

Disaster strikes in the Atlantic ocean
1500 people died on the Titanic last night when it sank. It is believed it hit a giant iceberg at 11.40pm. The RMS Carpathia has rescued 705 people. It took 2 hours and 40 min to sink
.Jack Bruce Ismay and Lord William James Pirrie had the idea to build the Titanic a few years ago. It was built in Belfast Ireland by Harlan and Wolff shipyard. It was run by white star line.  It took 3000 peopie and 3 years to finish.  It had 840 rooms and a top speed of 27mph. It was 269 metres long and 28  metres wide. It was said to be unsinkable As it left Southampton on the 10th april for New York. it was equipped to hold 64 lifeboats but only brought 20. After it hit the iceberg it broke in 2.


On the 9th April 1968 at the entrance of Wellington harbour the wahine capsized. It left Lyttelton harbour earlier that day for Wellington. It sailed into cyclone giselle. The  strong winds pushed it to the ground where it capsized. There were 734 people on board when the disaster happened. 53 people died.  

this  was good because i didnt know much about the  wahine disaster.
did you lern anything?