Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Titanic news paper
Unsinkable Titanic sinks!!!!!!!
15th April 1912
1500 people died on the Titanic last night when it sank. It is believed it hit a giant iceberg at 11.40pm. The RMS Carpathia has rescued 705 people. It took 2 hours and 40 min to sink
.Jack Bruce Ismay and Lord William James Pirrie had the idea to build the Titanic a few years ago. It was built in Belfast Ireland by Harlan and Wolff shipyard. It was run by white star line. It took 3000 peopie and 3 years to finish. It had 840 rooms and a top speed of 27mph. It was 269 metres long and 28 metres wide. It was said to be unsinkable As it left Southampton on the 10th april for New York. it was equipped to hold 64 lifeboats but only brought 20. After it hit the iceberg it broke in 2.
On the 9th April 1968 at the entrance of Wellington harbour the wahine capsized. It left Lyttelton harbour earlier that day for Wellington. It sailed into cyclone giselle. The strong winds pushed it to the ground where it capsized. There were 734 people on board when the disaster happened. 53 people died. 
this was good because i didnt know much about the wahine disaster.
did you lern anything?
Thursday, April 30, 2020
THe magic pirate ship
Once upon a time there was a pirate called captain sniffle pants . He lived on an old fashioned pirate ship in the sea.
One day he went to an island with black sand and lots of tall coconut trees and met a monkey all alone. It was a cold and rainy day and the black spider monkey was hiding in a tree with three golden bananas. It was a baby spider monkey with long arms, legs and a very long tail. He had big black eyes and long spiky fur. The monkey jumped down and hugged the pirates feet. Then the pirate asked if he wanted to come on a trip with him and he said yes i love trips. The captain decided to call the monkey mr bananas, because he had golden bananas.
When they climbed onto the ship, Mr bananas put one of the golden bananas in one of the piston holes and it made it fly. Captain sniffle pants saw the bananas were special and he decided to hide the other two on the island. He dug a hole under the tree where he found the monkey and buried the bananas. Then he drew a map so he could remember where they were.
Captain sniffle pants and Mr bananas flew away on their magic pirate ship. The golden bananas had made the ship all shiny and space like.
One day while flying through a tornado the map got ripped in half. It blew down to Lucy's house and hit the door bell. It went ding dong, and Lucy answered the door. Lucy had just got home from her cousin's wedding. Lucy had been a bridesmaid, she was wearing a long floaty green dress and had some brown flowers in her hand.. She picked up the torn map and saw a flying ship in the sky. She gasped and she ran towards it.
Would she make it in time?
I remember ANZAC
As the orange fiery sun creeps up behind the poppies I feel relieved to be here. And proud to have protected NZ.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
My party drinks
Most people wanted coke at my party. The next most was fanta. Sprite is like lemonade so they can have lemonade. Fanta and lemonade make duet so then they can be happy. At my party I will have coke and lemonade and fanta and juice. Then everyone should be happy.
ANZAC day tasks.
The day before ANZAC day me and my sister coloured in a poppy picture. As we were in lockdown we put them on our front window. The next day we got up really early at 5.40am. I put on my cubs shirt and we went and stood by the letter box. We listened to the dawn service on mum's phone. Some of the neighbours came out too. a neighbour around the corner had their radio on really loud and we noticed later they had a cross and a wreath in the cul de sac.
i made a bunker under my table my bunker wasn't like the ones in Jersey it was warm and comfortable but the ones in Jersey were wet, cold. and a bit scary.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
my car bar graph
we had to collect data and show results in a bar graph. i walked around the streets and used a tally chart on my clipboard to see the colour of parked cars.
the bar graph shows the most cars was white, and the second most were silver. Red had 5 cars,blue had 4 cars. Black and yellow had 3,brown had 2 and gold and purple had 1, and there were no green cars. I njoyed collecting the data, and it was fun making a graph on google sheets.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
My Lockdown adventures!!!!!!!!
On Monday the 23rd of March i came out of school. Mum was waiting, Lily was supposed to be having a playdate with Lakia. Mum asked me to go and get my sports bag, why i said its monday. mum then told me school was closing for 4 weeks. i was soooooooooooooooooo HAPPY!!!!!!.
then we went home. i wasn't worried about covid 19. all i was looking forward to was fun at home.
My Grandma and Granddad made it back to Jersey safely with everything closing behind them.
in lockdown i have biked up to the park it was sooooooooo fun!!!!! i've done carpentry and painting on the playhouse. i've played on my PS4 i played minecraft and got 2 new games. I did some maths with my beautiful sister. i made a robotic hand. I have read some stories for mums preschool children on their face book page. I got a new puzzle and im looking forward to playing some other board games. were going to make some m&m cookies!!!!.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
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